Scorpio Season

Well look who's back in the online Tarot game!  It's been awhile since I've posted a reading, and it's never been to my blog before.  This reading was requested by my mentor, John. It's an overview of what to expect for Scorpio Season (Oct 23-Nov 21).  While I assume that every sign will gain further understanding of what this season brings, Scorpios will obviously feel it the strongest. I did this reading at the beach yesterday, and recreated it for the pictures below. I used the Starchild Tarot Akashic deck, which I often use for my own personal readings because I find them full of light and empowerment.

Note for non-Scorps: I will refer to Scorpios a LOT in this post. The energy of Scorpio will infuse this whole season.  So when I say "Scorpios tend to..." or "Scorpios are usually..." please understand that the season is bringing that type of energy to everyone. Also, what can I say.  We Scorps are intense people.  Buckle up, buttercup. 

Let's start with the undercurrent, the card that was underneath the deck. (This picture is from the beach. I wanted to include one because LOOK AT THAT WATER.) 


Transformation: No surprise here. This is the Death card in traditional tarot decks.  Guess which card embodies Scorpio... the DEATH card.  If you're new here, don't freak out. We love the Death card. Scorpios are like phoenixes. We have the ability to repeatedly burn ourselves up and rise from the ashes as something completely new and usually better.  Hopefully better.  The key with this card is remembering the "rise from the ashes" part.  This card never means JUST an ending. It always means rebirth as well.  It's cyclical like most Major Arcana cards, most of tarot, and most of life.  As this is the undercurrent for the whole reading, we are being asked to allow that death to happen so rebirth can follow.  It's time to burn away everything that's no longer in our highest and best interest so that there is room for what *IS* highest and best for us.  This is an organic process that can be allowed through clearing meditations, shadow work, a good cathartic cry, or a trip to the beach. While I was there yesterday, I pictured the waves pulling everything useless out of me and bringing back new life and good energy.  No beach access? I recommend watching a video of waves and doing the same thing. Technology is a great replacement for teleportation. On to the main reading...


I ended up with a reverse pyramid spread, which I didn't plan. I rarely plan my spreads anymore, I just listen. The bottom line is going to be a single oracle card, so stay tuned for that. Holy Queens, Batman. We got 3/4 of them. I love that every suit and the Major Arcana are represented here. We're going to hit this card by card, starting from the top. This will be the longest blog post in the history of blogs. But, like, great content though. ;) 


Queen of Cups: Hello Scorpio Queen. I love that we got her first.  Since cups represent water, she is the queen of all water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer). Cups represent intuition, the Divine Feminine, emotions, connections to others, and creativity. This is where our power is going to be found during Scorpio season.  This queen is submarine. Look at that gaze. She has scuba gear built into her body.  She's basically Aquaman. (Aquawoman? As with all royals in tarot, the gender of the card doesn't have to match the gender identity or lack of gender identity of the person being read. It's more about the energy.) The point being that she understands the mysteries of the deep and is willing to give you a tour. This is about connecting to that depth in ourselves.  Becoming one with our intuition and emotions and letting those parts of us take charge this season. Let your inner Scorpio Queen OUT, my friends. No matter what sign you are. Connect to your own intensity and mystery and embolden yourself there. 


Nine of Wands: I love that this card follows the queen because I relate it to her kingdom.  This season, we are going to start seeing the pieces of our life-puzzle fall into place.  This card is about recognizing what belongs to you and claiming it as your own.  It has to do with defending your territory, but first we have to determine what exactly our territory is.  Look around. Who belongs in your kingdom?  Who is serving you already? Who is in your royal court? Who is in your innermost circle? Who is sitting on the throne next to you? We have everything we need available to us if we are ready to claim it.  Intuition is important here. We must ask for our highest and best and be ready to accept the answer from Spirit. Some of the people and situations in our lives are being burned away by the Transformation undercurrent.  (Clinging to negative elements that no longer serve us will only result in harm.  How long are you willing to hold onto a hot pan while your hand burns?) I really love the hexagon of wands on this version of the card.  It reinforces that idea of claiming and protecting what's rightfully ours. Build strong walls around your kingdom and nourish it from the inside.  Be willing to stand up for what's yours and take responsibility for what truly matters.  Only you and Spirit can figure out exactly what that entails.   


The High Priestess: OH HI FRIEND. If the Queen of Cups got a promotion to the Major Arcana, this would be her.  She has a lot to learn first, though.  The High Priestess is the gatekeeper between the mystical world and the boring "normal" world. As gatekeeper and protector, she has access to all the esoteric knowledge contained in the Akashic Records.  She represents spirituality, psychic awareness, deep understanding, and wise discernment. The High Priestess also represents balance.  She sits directly between the practical and the mystical. She must know what knowledge to share with the world and what to keep inside her gates.  As with the Queen of Cups, we are being asked to access this part of ourselves during Scorpio season. Communicate with the Divine. Meditate. Be your own psychic hotline. Access that knowledge. It's there for all of us to access in order to complete our Divine missions. (Notice I said DIVINE missions, not self-serving ones or ones that harm others for ANY reason. Those are never sanctioned by Spirit.) For some, this means pulling more spirituality into their earthly, practical life.  For the very spiritual out there (raises hand) this means accessing the practical THROUGH mystical means.  Like... this is your job now.  Be a high priestess.  Do that. Especially considering the next card...


Queen of Crystals (Pentacles): Here she is, the Queen of practicality.  For those of you who already flourish on the earthly plane, congrats and stuff.  Most water signs (especially Scorps) lean towards the impractical and I am the leader of that band. Sure we can talk to spirits, know when people are lying, and complete a creative project in record time.  But lists and bills and appointments... UGH. For those like me, this card is a reminder for balance.  Get your sh*t together, Scorpio (Margie). Make those lists. Prioritize your life. Run your kingdom. Know what has to happen for your success (whatever that is for you) and then do it. Novel ideas, I know. Scorpios can spend a lifetime conceptualizing and never actually materialize their ideas.  This is the reminder to complete that materialization.  Like the Transformation card, we must be born again.  Death is one thing. New Life is another. If you are already a practical person, it's no mistake that this card comes after the High Priestess and the Queen of Cups. Consider bringing spirituality, creativity and emotions to the forefront this month.  Do some intuitive grocery shopping instead of making a list first. Try transcendental meditation instead of mindfulness. Try Kundalini yoga instead of cardio yoga. See the mystical side of the coin for awhile. You might like it. 

This top row brought us a lot of empowerment.  Two Queens and the High Priestess in one row? If there was a Wonder Woman card, we probably would have gotten it too.  This row is about taking charge of our strong, deep, feminine side.  Emotions, intuition, passion, nurturing, spirituality, and creation. Let's move on to the second row! 


Queen of Wands: Ah, the Queen of fire.  She is a complex lady.  She does represent sexual passion, to which Scorpios aren't strangers. She does emit friendly warmth, like a motherly hearth.  She's here today for another reason, however.  Remember our phoenix metaphor from before?  The Queen of Wands is asking us WHY we have been burned and are born again. When we rise naked from the ashes with our baby dragons clinging to us, what is our purpose? (Yeah, Daenerys is totally the Khaleesi of Wands.) Why are we here? This is the passion being brought by the Queen of Wands for Scorpio Season. It's about motivation. The embers burning in our bellies to live out our divine purposes.  It's drive and conviction. It's also about taking the time to let those embers grow.  Honoring them.  Learning to control them and use them for good.  Figuring out how to fuel them and not let them burn out. Fire is a big responsibility and it is inside of all of us. It requires constant attention and balance between boundaries and growth. In this watery season of Scorpio, we are going to see a lot of steam being created. In perhaps the most powerful of elemental unions, fire and water can move worlds. Steam engines can power gigantic vehicles. If used for good, imagine the possibilities. 


Two of Wands: Here is the simple request from the universe to decide which direction your steam engine is going.  It's about taking the time the plan your course, prepare for your journey, and see things from a higher perspective.  It's a reminder that our actions have consequences, so let's measure twice and cut once. The embers brought by the Queen of Wands burn for a long time, so there's no need to rush. Work hard? Yes. Plan well? Yes. Let the fires burn out of control? No.  


Knight of Crystals (Pentacles): Here is Mr. Slow and Steady Wins the Race.  This dude knows how to weigh his options and take the best course of action.  You may think he's going to come in last place, but his deliberate and steady steps forward always win the day.  He is logical and practical and purpose-driven. He is yet another reminder that we need to take care of daily work and chores and lists while keeping our passion and spirituality at the forefront. You're going to get to where you're going, so make sure you clean up after yourself along the way.    

This row reinforces this need for balance during Scorpio season.  In the first row, we highlight the mystical and spiritual and bring it down to the practical world.  The second row helps manage that. We can't spend everyday with our heads in the clouds, talking to spirits and astrally traveling. I mean, we can but someone has to book those clients and vacuum and bathe your soul's flesh vehicle (aka 'body'). The spiritual blogs need to be written, the car needs gas, a nourishing dinner won't cook itself.  It all has to get done.  The Queen of Wands fuels it.  The two of wands gives you the time and tools to make it happen.  The Knight of Crystals makes sure it gets done. Go team!!! On to the next row. 


Ace of Swords: Ah, truth in its purest form. Yes, it's about speaking the truth.  Representing yourself truthfully in all manners. Realizing the truth. Living your truth. Seeing yourself clearly.  But this card is also about universal truth. The truth is the truth. People spend so much time arguing over their version of the truth.  What most don't realize is that the truth is just... the truth. I like that illustration of two people facing each other with a number drawn on the ground between them.  From one side, it's a 6. From the other side, it's a 9.  Guess what?  Both are true. They can stand there yelling at each other all day and it's not going to change.  It neither one is willing to take a step forward and turn around, it's a total waste of time. Let the truth be. Let it exist and don't try to fight it.  Don't try to manipulate it. If you're meant to do something and you know you are... do it.  If you're meant to be something, be it.  If you're meant to say something, say it.  Let truth exist. Give it space. Let it breathe. Embody it. Take the time to find your truth if you haven't already.  Be honest about what you want, who you are, what you're worth, and what you're capable of... the good and the bad.  Be honest about where you want to go next. I'm flashing to that scene in "The Notebook" where Ryan Gosling is yelling at Rachel McAdams "WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT???" Answer the question. Quietly to yourself at first, if you have to.  Scream it from the rooftops when you're ready. 


Ten of Cups: Because guess what? You can have it.  That perfect life you've dreamt of? Here it is in the ten of cups.  Let me tell you a secret. If you serve Spirit and live your divine purpose, you are going to be happy. You're going to get what you want. Ideally on the karmic scale, what we want is to serve Spirit and live our divine purpose. See how that works? "I want to serve Spirit and live my divine purpose." Okay cool, do that, says the Universe. You will be provided for and get to live your passion.  As long as the focus is not those provisions, but the good works themselves... we are golden. The key is to release the fear associated with choosing the spiritual life.  It's a huge step to rearrange your practical and socially acceptable life for the spiritual path. This card is a reminder that you will be taken care of if you believe you will be. As we go on helping others, those things we've spent time daydreaming about tend to pop in. It can be as small as a free pizza coupon in your mailbox and as big as your soulmate showing up. Pay attention. You deserve it. 

The third row is just so great. I'm not a numerologist, but look at that 1 and that 10 making us come full circle. Everything is a new beginning and completion. Start with the truth and get your rewards. Then do it again. It's light at the end of the daunting tunnel of working hard and incorporating spirituality into everything we do.  It's hope and optimism. It's a rainbow in a clear, beautiful sky.  Let's do this thing. Let's live to our fullest in service of love.  And last but not least, we have a card from the Mary Queen of Angels oracle deck.


Gratitude: Oh man, do I have plenty to say on the subject of gratitude. In fact, I wrote a whole blog about it. You can read the caption on the card. This is about appreciating everything around us.  Experiences, people, the environment, everything. As we do this, we directly deposit into our karmic bank account and we might find Spirit making some really fun purchases for us. It makes the ten of cups possible. If you're not grateful for pizza, I guarantee you're not going to get a free pizza coupon in your mail and get really excited about it. Multiply this by infinity and you get the picture. Anything is possible. Saying "I am so grateful for this beautiful day" ensures many beautiful days in your future. Eventually, it becomes about the feeling of gratitude itself being the prize.  Being grateful for pizza is arguably as awesome as pizza itself (WHOA WHOA WHOA I KNOW.) Just like serving, being grateful is its own reward. This also applies to difficult situations. Take grief for example.  "I miss my father and I want him back" holds a very different vibe than "I miss my father but I'm so grateful he was in my life and continues to love me from Heaven." It's about putting a positive spin on everything.  It's a choice. Even when people wrong us, it's an opportunity to learn. We can be grateful for that. This card is a sign to choose gratitude, especially when it's the hardest. It's super easy to be grateful for free pizza. It's really, really hard to be grateful for a hard situation.  Ultimately, it's up to each of us to make that choice. 

This reading was such a spontaneous decision. I was on the phone with John and he asked for a weather report for Scorpio Season. I agreed and told him I'd type something up. Somehow, it's turned into this gorgeous, long, spiritually full gift to myself and others. I am just the messenger and I am getting just as much out of this reading as anyone else. If you've made it this far, congrats!!! If you're looking for more content from me, it's coming. I'm undergoing a bit of a level-up in all aspects of my life and I'm transitioning my online visibility accordingly. Thanks for sticking by me. I'm in this for the long haul.  I hope I've brought you some clarity today. I think that doing a reading in print allows you to revisit it as often as you need to. Enjoy Scorpio Season my loves. While it can be intense with the burning and the rebirth, it's also filled with passion and fun and hard work and all things mystical. So go pet a unicorn. Go talk to the faeries. Don't forget to make those lists and stoke the fire. Speak your truth and you will be rewarded.  And above all, be thankful to be here on this beautiful planet with incredible people and the miracle known as pizza.  I love you guys.

Love and Light,
